Sept.1, 2023
Clubwest starts bouncing the balls at 12p.m.!
Remember…you are never late to play come & Go bingo!!
Come & Go:
Strive for 5 – $2000
Mini Jackpot – 58#’s for $200 (middle card)
Progressive Jackpot – 55#’s for $1000 (bottom card)
Power Hour (1pm-3pm & 7pm-9pm):
Power 5-$1200
Joker Jackpot – $380
Clubwest Jackpot- $500 in 56#’s (bottom card)
Jackie Potts #4 – $1000 in 57#’s
**1pm-3pm- games 1-5 pay $150/page**
7pm-9pm- games 1-5 pay $200/page**
**for all our jackpot #’s visit**
#oddsareyoumightgetlucky #clubwestbingo